Home >> Working Paper
Serial NumberTitleAuthor
WP1409What Influences the Asymmetry of Investors’ Underreaction and Overreaction?Li  Xuefeng,Yuan  Shuai  and  Tang  Qiao  
WP1156The Historical Materialism, Dynamic Optimization and Economic GrowthQiao  Xiaonan  and  He  Zili  
WP914Carbon Emission Peak Constraint And Carbon Allocation StrategyQiao  Xiaonan  
WP809A Study on Health-related Economic Loss caused by haze pollution in Cities of ChinaQiao  Xiaonan,  lin  Yunhui  and  Jiang  Nan  
WP796Resource Endowment, Structural Differences and the Decision of Agri-Food Products Trade in ChinaWang  Dan  and  Qiao  Changtao  
WP641A comparative study on local government incentivesQiao  Baoyun,  Liu  Lezheng,  Yi  Xundong  and  Guo  Shen  
WP564Financing Platform of Local Governments and Efficiency of Resource AllocationXuefeng  Zhang  and  Xinqiao  Ping  
WP559Corporate Pyramids and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from ChinaXu  Nianhang,  Li  Xiaorong,  Liu  Qiao  and  Luo  Wei  
WP438The Measure of Excessive Money Issuance in ChinaZhang  Qiaoyun  and  Zhang  Jun  
WP320Star Aanalyst coverage, market over-reaction and stock price synchronicityZhou  mingshan,  Xu  nianhang,  Lin  jin,  Zhang  qiaoyun  
WP307Total Quantity Control, Interregional Allocation of Emission Permits and Economic PerformanceQiao  Xiaonan  and  Duan  Xiaogang  
WP261ocial Capital and the Financial Constraints in the Entrepreneurial Decisions: Based on the Credit Market Survey Data from Zhang  Haiyang,Hao  Chaoyan,Ping  Xinqiao  and  Liang  Shuang  
WP243Job Creation and Destruction in China: Evidence of Manufacturing Industry between 1998 and 2007Ma  Hong,  Qiao  Xue,  and  Xu  Yuan  
WP194The Channel and Test on Impacts of Consumer Credit to Urban Residents Consumption BehaviorZang  xuheng  and  Li  yanqiao  
WP178A research on the appropriate level of sub-national borrowing in China--based on an analytical framework of economBaoyun  Qiao    Lezheng  Liu    Shen  Guo  and  Xiaoyun  Zhang  
WP60Farmer Cooperative or Investor-Owned Firm? Huang  Zuhui,  Liang  Qiao  &  George  Hendrikse  
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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