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TitleHow biased technological change affects the total factor productivity growth of China's industry  
作者李小平 李小克  
AuthorLi Xiaoping and LI Xiaoke  
OrganizationEconomic school, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law 
中文关键词全要素生产率增长 偏向性技术进步 替代弹性 资本深化 技术一致性 
Key WordsTotal Factor Productivity Growth; Biased Technological change; Substitution Elasticity; Capital Deepening; Technological Congruence 
AbstractTechnological change is an important source of total factor productivity growth. Hower,previous literatures ignore the role of biased technological change when analyzing the mechanism of total factor productivity growth. This paper uses the Kmenta approximation technique to separate the TFP functions with the bias of technological change from normalized CES production function, with the help of biased technological change index, the change of TFP growth rate depends on synergetic effect of growth rate of factor-augmenting technological change, elasticity of substitution and capital deepening and its growth rate, then, characterizes the effect of biased technological change and its degree of bias on TFP growth. After solving the estimation errors of inappropriate base period selection on industrial added value , based on normalized supply-side system to test the mechanism.The empirical analysis shows that: (1) the substitution elasticity of China's industry is less than 1, and the growth rate of capital efficiency is lower than the growth rate of labor efficiency, which leads to biased technological change towards capital.(2)The growth rate of capital biased technological change produces active effect on China's industry TFP growth rate, while degree of capital biased technological change has negative impact on TFP growth rate, the profound cause lies in internal contradiction between capital biased technological change and general labor-augmenting technological change, and the direction of general labor-augmenting technological change conflicts with the direction of capital deepening, finally, the overall effect of the bias of capital biased technological change is negative. (3)Comparatively speaking, the growth rate of capital biased technological change is the most powerful force for the increase of China's industrial TFP growth rate. Finally, the "residual value" method is used again to test the robustness of the results. We find that the TFP growth rate is relatively accurate after the anti solution to factor-augmenting technological change growth rate function value. Therefore, the development and introduction of new technologies should give full consideration to the factor endowments, the elasticity of factor substitution and the growth of factor efficiency in the local units, so as to appropriate technology will be adopted to improve the total factor productivity. 
  • 主管单位:中国社会科学院     主办单位:中国社会科学院经济研究所
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