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TitleGlobal Value Chain, Industry’s Agglomeration and Firm’s Productivity: How does “Distant” interact with “neighbor”?  
作者苏丹妮 盛斌 邵朝对 陈帅  
AuthorSu Danni, Sheng Bin, Shao Chaodui and Chen Shuai  
OrganizationNankai University 
中文关键词全球价值链 产业集聚 生产率互动效应 生产体系二元分割 
Key WordsGlobal Value Chain; Industry’s Agglomeration; Productivity Interaction Effect; Binary Segmentation of Production System 
AbstractThis paper for the first time putting the global value chain under international production system and the industry’s agglomeration under domestic production system in the unified framework, builds the interaction mechanism of global value chain, industry’s agglomeration and firm’s productivity, and makes empirical analysis on China's manufacturing firms on the basis of comprehensively measuring firms’ global value chain division index from 2000 to 2006. Research shows that: the higher the position in GVC, the higher productivity of firms, but the implementation of strategic isolation by “double barriers” of resources flowing and ability imitation weakens agglomeration’s positive spillover to the firms’ productivity, from this perspective, “Distant weakens neighbor”. From the point of different GVC embedding modes, the higher the participation rate of GVC upstream, the weaker the spatial correlation with “neighbor”, and the higher the participation rate of GVC downstream, the stronger of spatial correlation with “neighbor”. Further penetrating into three spatial spillover channels of agglomeration, mainly through labor sharing and knowledge-technology spillover, firms’ different GVC embedding modes present heterogeneous productivity effect, which makes the binary segmentation structure of “upstream embedding-downstream embedding” interacting with domestic production system, and input sharing does not play a role. 
  • 主管单位:中国社会科学院     主办单位:中国社会科学院经济研究所
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  • 国际标准刊号 ISSN 0577-9154      国内统一刊号 CN11-1081/F       国内邮发代号 2-251        国外代号 M16
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