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TitleCentral Bank Communication, Adaptive Learning and Monetary Policy Effectiveness  
作者郭豫媚 周璇  
AuthorZhou Yumei and Zhou Xuan  
OrganizationCentral University of Finance and Economics; Renmin University of China, RUC 
中文关键词央行沟通 适应性学习 货币政策 公共信息 私人信息 
Key WordsCentral Bank Communication; Adaptive Learning; Monetary Policy; Public Information; Private Information 
AbstractCommunication has become the main way for the central bank to guide market expectations in developed countries. This paper introduces public information, private information and adaptive learning into a standard dynamic stochastic general model to study the impact of central bank’s communication on monetary policy effectiveness. The model shows that the public information revealed by central bank can crowd out private information. Agents tend to put excessive weight on public information, so the effectiveness of central bank’s communication depends on the precision of public information. If the central bank’s public information is more accurate than private information, central bank’s communication can reduce the welfare loss by about 15% relative to non-communication. Moreover, the more accurate the central bank’s information is, the less the welfare loss is and the more effective the monetary policy is. On the contrary, if the central bank’s public information is less accurate than private information, then central bank’s communication may be harmful. Therefore, in addition to raising central bank’s information accuracy, the People’s Bank of China should place more emphasis on communication. 
  • 主管单位:中国社会科学院     主办单位:中国社会科学院经济研究所
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  • 国际标准刊号 ISSN 0577-9154      国内统一刊号 CN11-1081/F       国内邮发代号 2-251        国外代号 M16
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