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TitleVenture Capital, Innovation Subsidy and Enterprises’ Heterogeneous R&D Investment Intensity  
作者李雪松 聂菁 赵宸宇  
AuthorLi Xuesong, Nie Jinga and Zhao Chenyu  
OrganizationInstitute of Quantitative & Technical Economics, CASS 
中文关键词风险投资 创新补助 研发投入强度 MTE 异质性 
Key WordsVenture Capital; Innovation Subsidy; R&D Investment Intensity; Marginal Treatment Effect; Heterogeneity 
Abstract Considering the current situation of R&D activities is not active for SMEs in China, applying Endogenous Switching Regression model and Parametric & Semi-Parametric Marginal Treatment Effect (MTE) method to correct both sample selection bias and heterogeneity, this paper examines the impact of government innovation subsidy on venture capital (VC) financing and enterprises’ R&D investment intensity, estimates the heterogeneous effect of introduction of VC on enterprises’ R&D investment intensity based on the data of small and medium-sized board and start-up board listed companies of China’s manufacturing industry during the period 2010-2014. The results show that innovation subsidy has positive and significant effect on VC financing decision. Enterprise with younger and better educated management team and higher return on sales (ROS) rate is more likely to introduce VC. The evidences also show that innovation subsidy stimulate enterprises’ R&D investment intensity significantly. VC financing decision affects enterprises’ R&D investment intensity positively and significantly. For a random small and medium-sized board and start-up board listed company, the estimated average treatment effect of VC financing decision on R&D investment intensity touches as high as 3.52 percentage points, however the traditional OLS estimation seriously underestimates the average treatment effect. Introduction of VC investment to enhance the R&D intensity of enterprises has a significant heterogeneous effect, the more likely the introduction of VC investment, the greater of MTE that VC investment to enhance the R&D intensity of enterprises, this finding fills the gaps in the literature. The results suggest that innovation subsidy leverage effect could be used to induce VC capital into the innovation activities, the heterogeneity of marginal treatment effect should be fully considered to play the role of comparative advantage of VC to promote innovation, the flexible enterprises’ tax policy could be implemented to stimulate enterprises’ R&D investment, so as to promote industrial transformation and upgrading and China’s sustainable & healthy economic development. 
  • 主管单位:中国社会科学院     主办单位:中国社会科学院经济研究所
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  • 国际标准刊号 ISSN 0577-9154      国内统一刊号 CN11-1081/F       国内邮发代号 2-251        国外代号 M16
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