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TitleThe Sustainability of Long-run Economic Growth under an Unified Growth Model  
作者陈昆亭 周炎 龚六堂  
AuthorChen Kunting, Zhou Yan, and Gong Liutang  
OrganizationCollege of Economics and Management, Zhejiang University of Technology;Guanghua School of Management, Beijing University 
中文关键词经济发展转型 长期增长理论 内生增长经济的多重均衡 
Key WordsEconomic Transition; The Unified Theory; The theory of sustainable endogenous growth 
AbstractThe endogenous growth theory--- the core of the long run economic growth theory, has forecasted the long run economic equilibrium should be a balanced growth path. However, it is being challenged by the new growth trend of the world economy, especially by the development of the advanced economy. We need to rethink about: Is the balanced growth path stable and sustainable? Is the long run economic growth sustainable? What is the trend of the economic growth after the industrial revolution? In this paper, based on the unified growth theory, we establish a three-sector model including the agriculture, industry and knowledge innovation sectors. We simulate the three stages of the economic development: first the stage of the transition from the agriculture economy to the industrial economy, then the stage of post-industrial revolution followed by the decreasing of the population, but with an improvement in quality, finally the endogenous growth stage which is driven by the technological innovation. We show that the endogenous growth may not be stable, and there maybe exist multi-equilibria. We draw the conclusions: (1) if the technology in the industrial sector cannot exhibit the constant return to scale in the long run, only if the spillover effect of the knowledge is strong enough to offset the decreasing of the return to scale, the whole economy can be in the balanced endogenous path (just like the case of constant return to scale); (2) to realize a positive endogenous growth, there should be a positive relation between the strongness of the increasing returns to scale and the output elasticity of the physical capital in the production of the knowledge; the closer the strongness of the increasing returns to scale in the knowledge sector approaches the critical value, the higher the endogenous growth rate is; in order to receive a positive growth rate, the larger the land output elasticity in the agriculture sector, the higher the strongness of the increasing returns to scale in the knowledge sector is.  
  • 主管单位:中国社会科学院     主办单位:中国社会科学院经济研究所
  • 经济研究杂志社版权所有 未经允许 不得转载     京ICP备10211437号
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  • 国际标准刊号 ISSN 0577-9154      国内统一刊号 CN11-1081/F       国内邮发代号 2-251        国外代号 M16
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