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TitleHealth Loss of Human Capital and Path of Health GDP  
作者杨继生 马潇萌  
AuthorYang Jisheng and Ma Xiaomeng  
OrganizationHuazhong University of Science and Technology 
中文关键词健康人力资本 健康GDP 边际贡献 制度演进 分组效应 
Key WordsHealth of Human Capital; Health GDP; Marginal Contribution; System Evolution; Grouped Effect. 
AbstractExtensive mode of economic development brings serious threat to the health of residents. The effect caused by health loss of human capital on the economic growth has been doubted. When calculating the GDP, we have to take into account not only the dominant resource costs, but also the hidden costs of health. This paper uses grouped panel data SVAR model with interactive effect to measure the dynamic trends and marginal contribution of health capital loss in different rural and urban region in China. The result shows that the marginal effect of health loss of human capital in the urban area decreases from the east to the west in China. The health costs account for the proportion of real GDP of about 1.8% in the eastern region, while in the central or western part of China, the marginal contribution of health loss is mostly negative. The equilibrium path of health GDP is about 0.9% higher than its real path. The marginal contribution of the health loss in the rural area could be characterized using a inverted “U” shape in the geographic form. The health costs account for the proportion of real GDP of about 2% in the central part of China, The equilibrium path of health GDP in the western and eastern regions is about 1.3% higher than its real path. System shows its competition between rural and urban areas when considering its promotion effect to the human health of the society, especially before the year 2009. This indicates the relative lack of supply in the social health protection system, on the other hand, it indicates the new medical reform policy starting from 2009 has a dramatical effect. 
  • 主管单位:中国社会科学院     主办单位:中国社会科学院经济研究所
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  • 国际标准刊号 ISSN 0577-9154      国内统一刊号 CN11-1081/F       国内邮发代号 2-251        国外代号 M16
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