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TitleCredit Constraints and Families’ Entrepreneurship  
作者马双 董杨  
AuthorMa Shuang and Dong Yang  
OrganizationSouthwestern University of Finance and Economics 
中文关键词信贷约束 创业 企业家精神 
Key Wordscredit constraint ; entrepreneurship 
内容提要私有企业作为经济活动的主体之一,它创造了相当比重的国内产值以及吸收了约50%以上的城镇就业,对经济增长的作用至关重要。研究融资环境与家庭创业活力的关系对政策制定者来讲,将为其改善融资环境进而增进创业活力的政策制定提供理论依据。本文运用中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)2011年的微观数据分析了信贷约束对家庭创业选择的影响。在论证家庭申请住房贷款、汽车消费贷款以及信用卡时受到的信贷约束与家庭从事工商业生产经营项目时受到的信贷约束之间的显著正相关后,本文通过家庭在住房、汽车等方面的信贷约束衡量家庭在创业过程中的信贷状况,运用LPM回归以及生存模型(Duration model)估计信贷约束对家庭创业概率的影响。结果显示,信贷约束将显著降低家庭创业概率约2.2%。用家庭在创业之前受到房贷、车贷约束等信息识别家庭在创业前信贷约束情况以消除创业对信贷约束的反向作用,同时采用倾向得分匹配法(Propensity Score Matching,PSM)对比背景相似的信贷约束家庭与非信贷约束家庭在创业活力上的差异,结论仍然显示信贷约束显著降低家庭创业概率2%左右。在受信贷约束家庭中,户主偏好风险并不能增加创业活力;相反初始财富变得尤为关键,获得拆迁补助的家庭在信贷约束条件下有更大的创业活力,进一步印证了信贷约束是影响创业活力的关键变量。 
AbstractThis paper evaluates the impact of credit constraints on the creation of family business by utilizing 2011 CHFS (China Household Finance and Survey) micro-data. Firstly, we argue that the credit constrains of a family when applying mortgages, car loans, and credit cards, are positively related with the constraints of families’ business activity. Then we redefine the constraints when households entry entrepreneurship, and use LPM model and duration model to estimate the impact of credit constraints on the possibilities of family entrepreneurship. The result has shown that credit constraints will significantly decrease the possibility of a family entrepreneurship by around 2.2%. In addition, we find out the constraints of families’ housing loan and cars consumption loan before starting businesses, and eliminate the reverse effect of constraints with the decision to become an entrepreneur. Furthermore, we use PSM (propensity score matching) method to compare the differences of entrepreneurial vitality between the constrained and unconstrained families with similar backgrounds. It is also displayed that borrowing constraints significantly lead to the probability loss by 2%. The risk appetite attitudes of household heads can hardly increase the entrepreneurial activity when families are under credit constraints; on the contrary, initial wealth turns to be statistically important, households are more capable of starting business after obtaining relocation subsidies. 
  • 主管单位:中国社会科学院     主办单位:中国社会科学院经济研究所
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  • 国际标准刊号 ISSN 0577-9154      国内统一刊号 CN11-1081/F       国内邮发代号 2-251        国外代号 M16
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